Дигитален маркетинг

Създаване на Лого

Лицето на бизнеса ти

Тук сме, за да ти помогнем да създадеш перфектното лого за твоя бранд.
Знаем че логото е повече от просто изображение, то е лицето на твоят бизнес, комуникиращо доверие и връзка с аудиторията.

Нашият екип ще работи в заедно с вас, за да разбере вашата визия и ценности, изработвайки лого, което улавя същността на вашия бранд. Независимо дали започваш от нулата или искаш да подновиш вече съществуващо лого, ние ще те преведем през процеса на създаване на лого стъпка по стъпка. С нашия опит и отдаденост ще ти помогнем да създадеш лого, което да се откроява, да резонира с твоята аудитория и да те отличава от конкуренцията.

Логото и бранд идентичността са изключително важни за всеки бизнес. Те са като лицето и характера на бранда.

Доброто лого помага на хората да разпознаят и запомнят вашия бранд лесно. Когато вашия бранд изглежда еднакво навсякъде, това изгражда доверие у клиентите и ги кара да искат да останат. Освен това ясното лого и идентичността на бранда показват какво представлява вашия бранд, помагайки на хората да го разберат и да се свържат по-добре с него.

Така че наличието на лого и бранд идентичност не означава само да изглеждате добре – а да се уверите, че вашия бранд се откроява и расте с времето. Ние сме тук, за да създадем лого и да изградим бранд идентичност н, който пасва идеално на твоята компания. Нашата цел е да създаваме брандове, които хората харесват, такива, които наистина отразяват техните мисия и цели.

С нас ще получите бранд, който не само изглежда страхотно, но и разказва твоята история по начин, който безпроблемно се свързва с аудиторията ти.

Нашият процес

Логото представлява твоят бранд, то е лицето на бизнеса и за нас е важно да приемем сериозно всяка стъпка от процеса на създаването му.
Разделихме го на само 6 стъпки, за да гарантираме, че включва и теб, но също така взима под внимание и твоето време.


Какво да очакваш

Ще получиш персонализирано внимание от нашия екип, тъй като ние се вслушваме внимателно във твоите нужди и предпочитания, за да приспособим нашите услуги към твоите изисквания. Ние вярваме в близкото сътрудничество с нашите клиенти, за да гарантираме, че тяхната визия ще бъде реализирана.

Ние вярваме в прозрачната комуникация, като ви държим информирани и включени в целия процес на създаване на логото. Винаги ще знаеш къде се намира твоят проект и ще имаш възможност да предоставиш информация и да зададете въпроси. От дизайн на лого до бранд идентичност, нашата цел е да предоставим резултати, които подобряват присъствието на вашия бранд

Разбираме важността на крайните срокове и можеш да очакваш навременно изпълнение на твоите проекти без компромис с качеството. Твоето удовлетворение е наш основен приоритет и ние се стремим да отговорим или надминем очаквания ти.

Дори след като проектът ти е завършен, ние сме тук, за да осигурим постоянна поддръжка и съдействие, ако е необходимо. Независимо дали имаш въпроси, имаш нужда от промени или искаш да проучиш нови възможности, ние сме само на едно съобщение или обаждане.


Окончателни файлове с лого

Ще получиш окончателните версии на твоето лого в различни формати, включително PNG, JPEG и векторни формати като AI или EPS. Тези файлове са подходящи за използване както в печатни, така и в цифрови приложения.



В зависимост от размера на проекта, можеш също да получш макети на дизайн или прототипи за различни материяли на марката, като например визитни картички, канцеларски материали, опаковки или оформления на уебсайтове.

Какво казват нашите клиенти за нас?

Dr. Nirala Jacobi
Joanna from Liatto was my Social Media manager in 2022/24 -- I appreciated her efficient and professional manner. She is also very knowledgeable about online marketing and memberships....
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I recommend her services
Joanna from Liatto was my Social Media manager in 2022/24 -- I appreciated her efficient and professional manner. She is also very knowledgeable about online marketing and memberships.  I recommend her services to anyone who is looking for professional help in these areas.
Dr. Nirala Jacobi
I recommend her services
Chris von Cossel
Joanna from Liatto has been an excellent business coach, web designer and website consultant. She greatly and successfully helped us to turn our old dinosaur company into a modern business ...
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Chris von Cossel
Joanna from Liatto has been an excellent business coach, web designer and website consultant. She greatly and successfully helped us to turn our old dinosaur company into a modern business with a strong internet presence. With her support, our online sales have increased by 25%.
Xyli Leonis
Joanna is an outstanding professional. She understood our concept and make exactly the website we needed. She created not only a beautiful website but also focused on every small detail. ...
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Xyli Leonis
Joanna is an outstanding professional. She understood our concept and make exactly the website we needed. She created not only a beautiful website but also focused on every small detail. It is a real pleasure for us and our visitors to visit and use the website. Extremely correct, organized and adhered to deadlines.
Xyli Leonis
Xyli Leonis
Dr. Jody Stanislaw
Joanna from Liatto was a dream come true. After looking for a perfect fit for over a year, she was more than I could have ever asked for! She ...
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Dr. Jody Stanislaw
Joanna from Liatto was a dream come true. After looking for a perfect fit for over a year, she was more than I could have ever asked for! She is so on top of everything, gets tasks done asap, she takes initiative and comes up with great ideas that I didn't think about on my own. As an extra bonus, she is a lovely person with a great personality! I HIGHLY recommend her!
Dr. Jody Stanislaw
Dr. Jody Stanislaw
Sherri Snelling
Joanna from Liatto is a great collaborator for a variety of my business design needs. Whether it is Web design optimized for mobile, campaign logos, ads and...
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Sherri Snelling
Joanna from Liatto is a great collaborator for a variety of my business design needs. Whether it is Web design optimized for mobile, campaign logos, ads and brochure designs, social media graphics, editing videos – all of her work is done in a timely manner and captures the aesthetic vision I had for these projects. She is wonderful to work with and I find her fees very competitive for the quality she delivers. I highly recommend her work.
Sherri Snelling
Sherri Snelling
Ric Parks
Joanna from Liatto is among the most exceptional people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with: super smart, efficient, always on point, and highly skilled....
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Ric Parks
Joanna from Liatto is among the most exceptional people I’ve ever had the pleasure of working with:  super smart, efficient, always on point, and highly skilled.  I can always depend on her for clarity and straightforward truth without a hint of ego.a.
Joanna has been the key driver for all of AfterVault’s growth and we couldn’t have done it without her.She increased AfterVault’s customer base by over 200% in the space of a year and took our user growth from almost 0 to a steady flow of sign ups and paying subscription customers.  Our social media footprint truly shines and we now have an excellent grasp of our customers and markets through her expert use of split testing, PPC, and publicity
Ric Parks
Ric Parks
Amichai Cohen
It has been such a blessing to work with Joanna from Liatto. She helped to take my business to the next level in ways I could not do myself...
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Amichai Cohen
Live Kabbalah
It has been such a blessing to work with Joanna from Liatto. She helped to take my business to the next level in ways I could not do myself. As a kind, patient and diligent professional she really cares and puts the effort to help her clients reach excellence. I am so happy with Joanna’s marketing services and certain that anyone seeking to grow their brand and online presence will benefit from her experience, professionalism and wisdom.
Amichai Cohen
Amichai Cohen
Live Kabbalah
Ben Carter
Joanna has been an integral part of our team pretty much from the inception of the product. She has been immense in her ability to take a very loose...
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Ben Carter
Bright Network
Joanna has been an integral part of our team pretty much from the inception of the product. She has been immense in her ability to take a very loose brief and execute on it quickly and with real quality. We have seen Joanna review, design, and implement a new user experience across our website and Technology platform whilst simultaneously running all B2B marketing – always reviewing and adjusting based on her insightful reporting. She never is phased, is able to work independently, and continued to keep us on track throughout the programme. As a team we have been very thankful of Joanna’s work and would welcome the opportunity to work with her on future projects!
Ben Carter
Ben Carter
Bright Network
Jonathan Guennoc
I’ve been working with Joanna from Liatto on various projects, as website developer, digital marketing specialist and community manager. She is very skilled, experienced, she...
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Jonathan Guennoc
I’ve been working with Joanna from Liatto on various projects, as website developer, digital marketing specialist and community manager. She is very skilled, experienced, she has very good business and technical recommendations and great communication skills. Most of all I appreciate her “multi-expertise” profile, her reactivity and her speed of working. I strongly recommend working with her, it is hard to find such profile!
Jonathan Guennoc
Jonathan Guennoc
Katrin Dimitrova
Joanna is great in every way, works fast, is extremely positive and responsive and can rely on 100%. I am very pleased with the work that I have done and I ...
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Katrin Dimitrova
Joanna is great in every way, works fast, is extremely positive and responsive and can rely on 100%. I am very pleased with the work that I have done and I recommend it without hesitation!!
Katrin Dimitrova
Katrin Dimitrova

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